Main aims:
- Increasing educational chances of children with speech difficulties by creating a free pre-assessment mechanism for use by teachers at nursery and primary schools.
- Intervening at the earliest stages of speech development with Free appropriate language support and therapy tools and materials.
- Helping children to fully benefit from education with a Free mobile tool that includes assessment and practical exercises.
The app enables use of an age based test to assess a child's Speech Skills.
- It contains a set of flashcards, to work on sounds and positions.
- It contains worksheets to use with a child on specific sounds in specific word positions.
- It presents useful information on expected progress by age.
The app is completely free and is available for the following languages:
- English
- Bulgarian
- Serbian
- Dutch
- Slovenian
- Turkish
Target groups:
- Nursery and primary school teachers
- Speech and language therapists
- Special education teachers / Special educational needs coordinators
- Children with speech and communication needs
- Parents of children with speech and communication needs
The app was co-funded by the ERASMUS + programme of the European Union.
IMPORTANT: This app is not intended to replace a professional speech and language therapist. Any speech issues detected should be referred to a professional speech and language therapist before any interventions are implemented. Misuse of the app has the potential to cause harm to the child's speech development.
The European Commission support for the production of this app does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.